The intention of this vignette is to show how to plot different styles of cost-effectiveness acceptability curves using the BCEA package.
To calculate these in BCEA we use the bcea()
The plot defaults to base R plotting. Type of plot can be set
explicitly using the graph
Other plotting arguments can be specified such as title, line colours and theme.
graph = "ggplot2",
title = "my title",
line = list(color = "green", size = 3),
point = list(color = "blue", shape = 10, size = 5),
icer = list(color = "orange", size = 5),
area = list(fill = "grey"),
theme = theme_linedraw())
If you only what the mean point then you can suppress the sample
points by passing size NA
This situation is when there are more than two interventions to consider.