#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> date
precipitation$Date <- as.Date(row.names(precipitation),format = "%d-%m-%Y")
ggplot(subset(precipitation, month(Date)< 7 & year(Date)==2013))+
geom_point(aes(x=Date,y=X), color = 'red', size = 2, shape=4)
For more information on the data see ?precipitation
Now, let us analyse the forecasts. We begin with the constant expectile model.
instruments <- c("lag(lag(Y))","X")
res <- estimate.functional(iden.fct = expectiles, model = constant,
instruments = instruments,
Y = precipitation$Y, X=precipitation$X)
#> Drop 2 case(s) because of chosen instruments
#> Choose parameter theta0 automatically.
#> $call
#> estimate.functional(iden.fct = expectiles, model = constant,
#> Y = precipitation$Y, X = precipitation$X, instruments = instruments)
#> $coefficients
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> Theta[1] 0.5419114 0.020512 26.41924 8.237429e-154
#> $Jtest
#> ## J-Test: degrees of freedom is 2 ##
#> J-test P-value
#> Test E(g)=0: 3.9107e+01 3.2220e-09
plot(res,hline = TRUE)
Optimality is rejected with a p-value of 0. On average the forecast tends to overestimation compared to an optimal mean forecast with an expectile level of 0.54.
Next, we consider state-dependent forecasting behavior. Instead of using the conventional state-dependence models we rely on the linear probit specification model but enforce an expectile level of \(0\) for the forecast \(0\). This is a logical consequence of precipitation being a positive random variable.
probit0 <- function(stateVariable,theta) probit_linear(stateVariable, theta)*(stateVariable>0)
res <- estimate.functional(iden.fct = expectiles ,
model = probit0,
theta0 = c(0,0),
instruments = instruments,
state = precipitation$X,
Y = precipitation$Y, X=precipitation$X)
#> Drop 2 case(s) because of chosen instruments
#> $call
#> estimate.functional(iden.fct = expectiles, model = probit0, theta0 = c(0,
#> 0), Y = precipitation$Y, X = precipitation$X, stateVariable = precipitation$X,
#> instruments = instruments)
#> $coefficients
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> Theta[1] -0.26720297 0.06458326 -4.137341 3.513543e-05
#> Theta[2] 0.08056457 0.01530689 5.263287 1.415021e-07
#> $Jtest
#> ## J-Test: degrees of freedom is 1 ##
#> J-test P-value
#> Test E(g)=0: 0.11280 0.73698
To replicate the result plot in the paper , we need to adjust the standard plot function of the PointFore package to the probit0 specification model.
plot(res,limits = c(0.001,15),hline = TRUE)+
,size=3,show.legend = FALSE)+