- Added [HydstraSiteDetails()] function, to query streamflow station
data from states that have a hydstra database, NSW, QLD and VIC
- change from ggmap to ggspatial package for SILOMap()
- Very minor update to add @aliases to package documentation
- Add colours to match the before and after periods in
- Add buffer parameter to SILOSitesfromPolygon to find SILO sites that
might be slightly outside the polygon provided.
- Add SILOWriteFunctionsforSource function to bulk write SILO input
for Source based on Thiessen polygons, creating functions to load for
each time series and to weight them for each subcatchment, and a table
to point each functional unit in each subcatchment to these functions
using the Rainfall-Runoff model feature editor.
- Remove duplicate colour from SILOQualityCodes
- Fix SILOSitesfromPolygon to handle polygon shape file with a
projection other than that used by SILO stations
- Added SILOSitesfromPolygon to find sites within a shapefile
- some dependencies removed to reduce number of packages installed
(RColorBrewer and ggrepel)
- Two functions added: SILOCheckConsistency() and
- SILOCheckConsistency provides homogeneity on plots that are similar
to previously calculated by SILODoubleMass() and
- If a change in a rainfall station is detected using
SILOCheckConsistency, SILOCorrectSite() can be used to correct the
- SILOReport() has been changed to use SILOCheckConsistency() instead
of SILODoubleMass() and SILOCumulativeDeviation()
- Updates to SILOSiteSummary to correctly report start and end date,
as well as the station elevation.
- First release to CRAN
- Functions with limited general value removed from the package,
i.e. IOTilePlot()
- TUFLOW related functions moved to a different package to keep
dependencies down, TUFLOWR.
- Hydstra related functions removed, as SA hydstra database is no