The main purpose of the TDLM
’s package is to propose a rigorous framework to fairly compare trip distribution laws and models as described in Lenormand et al. (2016). This general framework is based on a two-step approach to generate mobility flows by separating the trip distribution law, gravity or intervening opportunities, from the modeling approach used to generate the flows from this law.
The package TDLM
can be installed with the following command line in R session:
From the CRAN
or from GitHub
A tutorial vignette is available here.
depends on Ecume
, mathjaxr
, Rdpack
, readr
, rmarkdown
and sf
Lenormand M (2023) TDLM: An R package for a systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models. Journal of Open Source Software 8, 5434.
Please feel free to open an issue if you encounter a problem with the package.
You can also reach me at maxime.lenormand[at]