To cite UPG in publications use:
Gregor Z, Sylvia F, Helga W (2023). “Ultimate Pólya Gamma Samplers – Efficient MCMC for possibly imbalanced binary and categorical data.” Journal of the American Statistical Association. doi:10.1080/01621459.2023.2259030,
Gregor Z, Sylvia F, Helga W (2021). “Efficient Bayesian modeling of binary and categorical data in R: the UPG Package.” doi:10.48550/arXiv.2101.02506,
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Article{UPG2023JASA, doi = {10.1080/01621459.2023.2259030}, title = {Ultimate Pólya Gamma Samplers – Efficient MCMC for possibly imbalanced binary and categorical data}, author = {Zens Gregor and Frühwirth-Schnatter Sylvia and Wagner Helga}, journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association}, year = {2023}, url = {}, }
@Misc{UPG2021Package, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2101.02506}, url = {}, author = {Zens Gregor and Frühwirth-Schnatter Sylvia and Wagner Helga}, title = {Efficient Bayesian modeling of binary and categorical data in R: the UPG Package}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2021}, }