aweSOM 1.3
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed html issues in documentation, to comply with R.4.2.0
aweSOM 1.2
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed cell placement in interactive graphs (they were flipped wrt
kohonen package, and incorrect for hex topology with odd number of
- Fixed cell placement in smooth distance plot
- Fixed bug in somInit when using PCA initialization (reverted to
- New legend for graph, interactive in html, present in svg
- New “cloud” plot
- Improved “smooth distance” plot
- Several improvements in the shiny UI, more user-friendly and
- In shiny UI, possibility to change numeric to factor and
## Misc: - New logo, and updated UI theme to match
aweSOM 1.1
Fixed bugs:
- In reproducible script, when data was unscaled it was not in matrix
- In the plot panel, the scales option was not available for
- Variables weights are no longer standardized to sum to 1.
- Boxplot on prototype values is now drawn for the prototype
- Added support for categorical variables, and NA values.
- In the plot panel, variables selection changes only when
- New functions: cdt for complete disjunctive tables, and
aweSOMreorder to reorder variables for pretty display.
- Option to hide observations names in the plots.
## Misc:
- Added hex-sticker logo.
- Improved appearance of the shiny UI.
- More detailed help messages in UI.