aws.lambda is a client package for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda API.
You can install the released version of aws.lambda from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("cloudyr/aws.lambda") remotes
To use the package, you will need an AWS account and to enter your credentials into R. Your keypair can be generated on the IAM Management Console under the heading Access Keys. Note that you only have access to your secret key once. After it is generated, you need to save it in a secure location. New keypairs can be generated at any time if yours has been lost, stolen, or forgotten. The aws.iam package profiles tools for working with IAM, including creating roles, users, groups, and credentials programmatically; it is not needed to use IAM credentials.
A detailed description of how credentials can be specified is
provided at: The easiest
way is to simply set environment variables on the command line prior to
starting R or via an
file, which are used to set environment variables
in R during startup (see ? Startup
). They can also be set
within R:
Sys.setenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "mykey",
"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "mysecretkey",
"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" = "us-east-1",
"AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" = "mytoken")
The package is still under rapid development, but a simple and literal “Hello, world!” example can be found by doing the following:
# get list of all current functions
<- sapply(list_functions(), get_function_name)
# 'hello world!' example code
<- system.file("templates", "helloworld.js", package = "aws.lambda")
# get IAM role for Lambda execution. Note: This is not currently sufficient, and
# will be updated in an upcoming update to the package.
<- aws.iam::get_caller_identity()[["Account"]]
id <- paste0("arn:aws:iam::", id, ":role/lambda_basic_execution")
if (!"helloworld" %in% funclist) {
<- create_function(name = "helloworld", func = hello,
func handler = "helloworld.handler", role = role)
else {
} <- get_function("helloworld")
# invoke function
Obviously this is a trivial lambda function, but the point is that basically anything (in node.js, python, or java) could be written into the “deployment package” and called in this way.
A slightly more complex example shows how to pass arguments to the
lambda function via the function’s payload
and examine the
# example function that performs simple addition
<- system.file("templates", "plus.js", package = "aws.lambda")
# get IAM role for Lambda execution
<- aws.iam::get_caller_identity()[["Account"]]
id <- paste0("arn:aws:iam::", id, ":role/lambda_basic_execution")
if (!"plus" %in% funclist) {
<- create_function(name = "plus", func = plus,
func handler = "plus.handler", role = role)
else {
} <- get_function("plus")
# invoke function
invoke_function(func, payload = list(a = 2, b = 3))
invoke_function(func, payload = list(a = -5, b = 7))