Introduction to cms

Vigneshwar Subramanian & Raoul R. Wadhwa

20 May 2020

The cms package implements a set of tools to download and clean publically available Medicare data, published on, for analysis in R. This vignette provides an overview of the key features of the package.

Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS)

The get_mpfs function returns national payment files for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS). All revisions for a specified year between 2014 and 2020, inclusive (specified as 2-digit integer, 14 through 20) are downloaded from the CMS website to a user-specified path.

# Example, code not run within vignette itself. 
# Result is hardcoded and displayed for illustrative purposes.


# download and view first few rows of 2020 MPFS database
mpfs20 <- get_mpfs(20, storage_path = 'storage', keep_downloads = TRUE)
head(mpfs20, 3)
#>   Year Carrier Number Locality HCPCS Code Modifier PCTC Indicator Status Code
#> 1 2020          01112       05      G0076     none              0           A
#> 2 2020          01112       06      G0076     none              0           A
#> 3 2020          01112       07      G0076     none              0           A
#>   Multiple Surgery Indicator 50% Therapy Reduction Amount (non-institutional)
#> 1                          0                                       0000000.00
#> 2                          0                                       0000000.00
#> 3                          0                                       0000000.00
#>   50% Therapy Reduction Amount (institutional) OPPS Indicator Facility Fee
#> 1                                   0000000.00              9        63.64
#> 2                                   0000000.00              9        63.64
#> 3                                   0000000.00              9        63.64
#>   Non-Facility Fee OPPS Facility Fee OPPS Non-Facility Fee
#> 1            63.64                 0                     0
#> 2            63.64                 0                     0
#> 3            63.64                 0                     0

By default, get_mpfs will store downloaded .zip files so that subsequent calls to get_mpfs with the same year and storage path will not require redownloading the raw data to import the database. get_mpfs will instead delete downloaded files by passing the argument keep_downloads = FALSE.

Optionally, users can specify a valid 7-digit locality code (5-digit carrier number + 2-digit locality, passed as a single string) to instruct get_mpfs to return only the data corresponding to that locality:

# Example, code not run within vignette itself. 
# Result is hardcoded and displayed for illustrative purposes.

mpfs20_ohio <- get_mpfs(20, storage_path = 'storage', locality = '1520200')
head(mpfs20_ohio, 3)
#>   Year Carrier Number Locality HCPCS Code Modifier PCTC Indicator Status Code
#> 1 2020          15202       00      G0076     none              0           A
#> 2 2020          15202       00      G0077     none              0           A
#> 3 2020          15202       00      G0078     none              0           A
#>   Multiple Surgery Indicator 50% Therapy Reduction Amount (non-institutional)
#> 1                          0                                       0000000.00
#> 2                          0                                       0000000.00
#> 3                          0                                       0000000.00
#>   50% Therapy Reduction Amount (institutional) OPPS Indicator Facility Fee
#> 1                                   0000000.00              9        55.71
#> 2                                   0000000.00              9        79.54
#> 3                                   0000000.00              9       131.29
#>   Non-Facility Fee OPPS Facility Fee OPPS Non-Facility Fee
#> 1            55.71                 0                     0
#> 2            79.54                 0                     0
#> 3           131.29                 0                     0

Medicare Locality Key

The locality_dict dataset contains the locality definitions used by the MPFS, updated for 2020.

mpfs20_locality <- cms::locality_dict
head(mpfs20_locality, 3)
#>   Carrier Number Locality   State Fee Schedule Area     Counties
#> 1          10102       00 ALABAMA         STATEWIDE ALL COUNTIES
#> 2          02102       01  ALASKA         STATEWIDE ALL COUNTIES
#> 3          03102       00 ARIZONA         STATEWIDE ALL COUNTIES