Parse NOAA Integrated Surface Data Files
Documentation at
is a parser for ‘NOAA’ Integrated Surface Data
(‘ISD’) files, described at ISD includes numerous
parameters such as wind speed and direction, wind gust, temperature, dew
point, cloud data, sea level pressure, altimeter setting, station
pressure, present weather, visibility, precipitation amounts for various
time periods, snow depth, and various other elements as observed by each
station. Data is stored as variable length ASCII character strings, with
most fields optional. Included are tools for parsing entire files, or
individual lines of data.
ISD is a global database, with data from approximately 35,000 stations worldwide, though the best spatial coverage is evident in North America, Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia. Coverage in the Northern Hemisphere is better than the Southern Hemisphere, and the overall period of record is currently 1901 to present.
Code liberated from rnoaa
to focus on ISD parsing since
it’s sorta complicated. Has minimal dependencies, so you can parse your
ISD/ISH files without needing the deps that rnoaa
Will be used by rnoaa
once on CRAN.
Documentation at
- parse all lines in a file, with parallel
- parse a single line - you choose
which lines to parse and how to apply the function to your linesisd_transform()
- transform ISD data variablesisd_parse_csv()
- parse csv format filesisd_parse_csv()
parses NOAA ISD csv files, whereas
and isd_parse_line()
both handle
compressed files where each row of data is a string that needs to be
is faster than isd_parse()
because parsing each line takes some time - although using
isd_parse(parallel = TRUE)
option gets closer to the speed
of isd_parse_csv()
CRAN stable version
Dev version
::install_github("ropensci/isdparser") remotes
Using a csv file included in the package:
<- system.file('extdata/00702699999.csv', package = "isdparser")
path isd_parse_csv(path)
#> # A tibble: 6,843 x 68
#> station date source latitude longitude elevation name
#> <int> <dttm> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:04:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 2 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:14:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 3 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:19:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 4 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:24:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 5 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:29:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 6 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:34:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 7 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:39:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 8 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:44:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 9 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:49:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> 10 7.03e8 2017-02-10 14:54:00 4 0 0 7026 WXPO…
#> # … with 6,833 more rows, and 61 more variables: report_type <chr>,
#> # call_sign <int>, quality_control <chr>, wnd <chr>, cig <chr>, vis <chr>,
#> # tmp <chr>, dew <chr>, slp <chr>, wind_direction <chr>,
#> # wind_direction_quality <chr>, wind_code <chr>, wind_speed <chr>,
#> # wind_speed_quality <chr>, ceiling_height <chr>,
#> # ceiling_height_quality <chr>, ceiling_height_determination <chr>,
#> # ceiling_height_cavok <chr>, visibility_distance <chr>,
#> # visibility_distance_quality <chr>, visibility_code <chr>,
#> # visibility_code_quality <chr>, temperature <chr>,
#> # temperature_quality <chr>, temperature_dewpoint <chr>,
#> # temperature_dewpoint_quality <chr>, air_pressure <chr>,
#> # air_pressure_quality <chr>, automated_atmospheric_condition_code <chr>,
#> # quality_automated_atmospheric_condition_code <chr>, coverage_code <chr>,
#> # coverage_quality_code <chr>, base_height_dimension <chr>,
#> # base_height_quality_code <chr>, cloud_type_code <chr>,
#> # cloud_type_quality_code <chr>, connective_cloud_attribute <chr>,
#> # vertical_datum_attribute <chr>, base_height_upper_range_attribute <chr>,
#> # base_height_lower_range_attribute <chr>, coverage <chr>,
#> # opaque_coverage <chr>, coverage_quality <chr>, lowest_cover <chr>,
#> # lowest_cover_quality <chr>, low_cloud_genus <chr>,
#> # low_cloud_genus_quality <chr>, lowest_cloud_base_height <chr>,
#> # lowest_cloud_base_height_quality <chr>, mid_cloud_genus <chr>,
#> # mid_cloud_genus_quality <chr>, high_cloud_genus <chr>,
#> # high_cloud_genus_quality <chr>, altimeter_setting_rate <chr>,
#> # altimeter_quality_code <chr>, station_pressure_rate <chr>,
#> # station_pressure_quality_code <chr>, speed_rate <chr>, quality_code <chr>,
#> # rem <chr>, eqd <chr>
<- system.file('extdata/024130-99999-2016.gz', package = "isdparser")
path isd_parse(path)
#> # A tibble: 2,601 x 38
#> total_chars usaf_station wban_station date time date_flag latitude
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0000 4 +60750
#> 2 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0100 4 +60750
#> 3 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0200 4 +60750
#> 4 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0300 4 +60750
#> 5 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0400 4 +60750
#> 6 0039 024130 99999 2016… 0500 4 +60750
#> 7 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0600 4 +60750
#> 8 0039 024130 99999 2016… 0700 4 +60750
#> 9 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0800 4 +60750
#> 10 0054 024130 99999 2016… 0900 4 +60750
#> # … with 2,591 more rows, and 31 more variables: longitude <chr>,
#> # type_code <chr>, elevation <chr>, call_letter <chr>, quality <chr>,
#> # wind_direction <chr>, wind_direction_quality <chr>, wind_code <chr>,
#> # wind_speed <chr>, wind_speed_quality <chr>, ceiling_height <chr>,
#> # ceiling_height_quality <chr>, ceiling_height_determination <chr>,
#> # ceiling_height_cavok <chr>, visibility_distance <chr>,
#> # visibility_distance_quality <chr>, visibility_code <chr>,
#> # visibility_code_quality <chr>, temperature <chr>,
#> # temperature_quality <chr>, temperature_dewpoint <chr>,
#> # temperature_dewpoint_quality <chr>, air_pressure <chr>,
#> # air_pressure_quality <chr>,
#> # AW1_present_weather_observation_identifier <chr>,
#> # AW1_automated_atmospheric_condition_code <chr>,
#> # AW1_quality_automated_atmospheric_condition_code <chr>, REM_remarks <chr>,
#> # REM_identifier <chr>, REM_length_quantity <chr>, REM_comment <chr>
process in parallel
isd_parse(path, parallel = TRUE)
in R doing
citation(package = 'isdparser')