Introduction to the pubh package

Josie Athens


1 Introduction

1.1 Rationale for the package

There has been a long relationship between Epidemiology / Public Health and Biostatistics. Students frequently find introductory textbooks explaining statistical methods and the math behind them, but how to implement those techniques on a computer is rarely explained.

One of the most popular statistical software’s in public health settings is Stata. Stata has the advantage of offering a solid interface with functions that can be accessed via the use of commands or by selecting the proper input in the graphical unit interface (GUI). Furthermore, Stata offers “Grad Plans” to postgraduate students, making it relatively affordable from an economic point of view.

R is a free alternative to Stata. Its use keeps growing, and its popularity is also increasing due to the relatively high number of packages and textbooks available.

In epidemiology, some good packages are already available for R, including: Epi, epibasix, epiDisplay, epiR and epitools. The pubh package does not intend to replace any of them, but to only provide a standard syntax for the most frequent statistical analysis in epidemiology.

1.2 Syntax: the use of formulas

Most students and professionals from the disciplines of Epidemiology and Public Health analyse variables in terms of outcome, exposure and confounders. The following table shows the most common names used in the literature to characterise variables in a cause-effect relationships:

Response variable Explanatory variable(s)
Outcome Exposure and confounders
Outcome Predictors
Dependent variable Independent variable(s)
y x

In R, formulas declare relationships between variables. Formulas are also common in classic statistical tests and regression methods.

Formulas have the following standard syntax:

y ~ x, data = my_data

Where y is the outcome or response variable, x is the exposure or predictor of interest, and my_data specifies the data frame’s name where x and y can be found.

The symbol ~ is used in R for formulas. It can be interpreted as depends on. In the most typical scenario, y ~ x means y depends on x or y is a function of x:

y = f(x)

Using epidemiology friendly terms:

Outcome = f(Exposure)

It is worth noting that Stata requires variables to be given in the same order as in formulas: outcome first, predictors next.

The pubh package integrates well with other packages of the tidyverse which use formulas and the pipe operator |> to add layers over functions. In particular, pubh uses ggformula as a graphical interface for plotting and takes advantage of variable labels from sjlabelled. This versatility allows it to interact also with tables from crosstable.

1.2.1 Stratification

One way to control for confounders is the use of stratification. In Stata, stratification is done by including the by option as part of the command. In the ggformula package, one way of doing stratification is with a formula like:

y ~ x|z, data = my_data

Where y is the outcome or response variable, x is the exposure or predictor of interest, z is the stratification variable (a factor) and my_data specifies the name of the data frame where x, y and z can be found.

1.3 Pipes and the tidyverse

The tidyverse has become now the standard in data manipulation in R. The use of the pipe function |> allows for cleaner code. The principle of pipes is to change the paradigm in coding. In standard codding, when many functions are used, one goes from inner parenthesis to outer ones.

For example if we have three functions, a common syntax would look like:

f3(f2(f1(..., data), ...), ...)

With pipes, however, the code reads top to bottom and left to right:

data |>
  f1(...) |> 
  f2(...) |> 

Most of the functions from pubh are compatible with pipes and the tidyverse.

1.4 Contributions of the pubh package

The main contributions of the pubh package to students and professionals from the disciplines of Epidemiology and Public Health are:

  1. Use of a common syntax for the most used analysis.
  2. A function, glm_coef that displays coefficients from most common regression analysis in a way that can be easy interpreted and used for publications.

2 Descriptive statistics

There are many options currently available for displaying descriptive statistics. I recommend the function crosstable from the crosstable package for constructing tables of descriptive statistics where results need to be stratified.

The estat function from the pubh package displays descriptive statistics of continuous outcomes; it can use labels to display nice tables. To aid in understanding the variability, estat also shows the relative dispersion (coefficient of variation), which is particularly interesting for comparing variances between groups (factors).

Some examples. We start by loading packages.

rm(list = ls())

We will use a data set about a study of onchocerciasis in Sierra Leone.

Oncho |> head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##      id mf           area       agegrp sex    mfload lesions
##   <dbl> <fct>        <fct>      <fct>  <fct>   <dbl> <fct>  
## 1     1 Infected     Savannah   20-39  Female      1 No     
## 2     2 Infected     Rainforest 40+    Male        3 No     
## 3     3 Infected     Savannah   40+    Female      1 No     
## 4     4 Not-infected Rainforest 20-39  Female      0 No     
## 5     5 Not-infected Savannah   40+    Female      0 No     
## 6     6 Not-infected Rainforest 20-39  Female      0 No
  total = "row",
  percent_pattern="{n} ({p_col})",
  percent_digits = 1,
  funs = c("Mean (std)" = meansd, "Median [IQR]" = mediqr)

A two-by-two contingency table:

Oncho |>
  select(mf, area) |>
    mf = relevel(mf, ref = "Infected")
  ) |>
  copy_labels(Oncho) |>
  crosstable(by = area) |>
## Warning: `cross_to_flextable()` was deprecated in crosstable 0.1.0.
## ℹ Please use `as_flextable()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.









281 (51.3%)

541 (71.8%)

822 (63.1%)


267 (48.7%)

213 (28.2%)

480 (36.9%)

Table with all descriptive statistics except id and mfload:

Oncho |>
  select(- c(id, mfload)) |>
    mf = relevel(mf, ref = "Infected")
  ) |>
  copy_labels(Oncho) |>
  crosstable(by = area) |>









281 (51.3%)

541 (71.8%)

822 (63.1%)


267 (48.7%)

213 (28.2%)

480 (36.9%)

Age group (years)


93 (17.0%)

109 (14.5%)

202 (15.5%)


72 (13.1%)

146 (19.4%)

218 (16.7%)


208 (38.0%)

216 (28.6%)

424 (32.6%)


175 (31.9%)

283 (37.5%)

458 (35.2%)



247 (45.1%)

369 (48.9%)

616 (47.3%)


301 (54.9%)

385 (51.1%)

686 (52.7%)

Severe eye lesions?


481 (87.8%)

620 (82.2%)

1101 (84.6%)


67 (12.2%)

134 (17.8%)

201 (15.4%)

Next, we use a data set about blood counts of T cells from patients in remission from Hodgkin’s disease or in remission from disseminated malignancies. We generate the new variable Ratio and add labels to the variables.

Hodgkin <- Hodgkin |>
  mutate(Ratio = CD4/CD8) |>
    Ratio = "CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratio"

Hodgkin |> head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##     CD4   CD8 Group   Ratio
##   <int> <int> <fct>   <dbl>
## 1   396   836 Hodgkin 0.474
## 2   568   978 Hodgkin 0.581
## 3  1212  1678 Hodgkin 0.722
## 4   171   212 Hodgkin 0.807
## 5   554   670 Hodgkin 0.827
## 6  1104  1335 Hodgkin 0.827

Descriptive statistics for CD4+ T cells:

Hodgkin |>
  estat(~ CD4)
##                 N Min  Max   Mean Median     SD  CV
## 1 CD4+ T-cells 40 116 2415 672.62  528.5 470.49 0.7

In the previous code, the left-hand side of the formula is empty as it’s the case when working with only one variable.

For stratification, estat recognises the following two syntaxes:

where, outcome is continuous and exposure is a categorical (factor) variable.

For example:

Hodgkin |>
  estat(~ Ratio|Group)
##                                 Disease  N  Min  Max Mean Median   SD   CV
## 1 CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratio Non-Hodgkin 20 1.10 3.49 2.12   2.15 0.73 0.34
## 2                               Hodgkin 20 0.47 3.82 1.50   1.19 0.91 0.61

As before, we can report a table of descriptive statistics for all variables in the data set:

Hodgkin |>
    Group = relevel(Group, ref = "Hodgkin")
  ) |>
  copy_labels(Hodgkin) |>
  crosstable(by = Group) |>







CD4+ T-cells

Mean (std)

823.2 (566.4)

522.0 (293.0)

672.6 (470.5)

Median [IQR]

681.5 [396.8;1131.0]

433.0 [360.0;709.0]

528.5 [375.0;916.0]

CD8+ T-cells

Mean (std)

613.9 (397.9)

260.0 (154.7)

436.9 (347.7)

Median [IQR]

447.5 [304.8;817.2]

231.5 [149.8;322.5]

319.0 [209.0;588.0]

CD4+ / CD8+ T-cells ratio

Mean (std)

1.5 (0.9)

2.1 (0.7)

1.8 (0.9)

Median [IQR]

1.2 [0.8;2.0]

2.2 [1.6;2.7]

1.7 [1.1;2.3]

2.1 Inferential statistics

From the descriptive statistics of Ratio, we know that the relative dispersion in the Hodgkin group is almost as high as the relative dispersion in the non-Hodgkin group.

For new users of R, it helps to have a standard syntax in most of the commands, as R could sometimes be challenging and even intimidating. We can test if the difference in variance is statistically significant with the var.test command, which uses can use a formula syntax:

var.test(Ratio ~ Group, data = Hodgkin)
##  F test to compare two variances
## data:  Ratio by Group
## F = 0.6294, num df = 19, denom df = 19, p-value = 0.3214
## alternative hypothesis: true ratio of variances is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2491238 1.5901459
## sample estimates:
## ratio of variances 
##          0.6293991

What about normality? We can look at the QQ-plots against the standard Normal distribution.

Hodgkin |>
  qq_plot(~ Ratio|Group) 

Let’s say we choose a non-parametric test to compare the groups:

wilcox.test(Ratio ~ Group, data = Hodgkin)
##  Wilcoxon rank sum exact test
## data:  Ratio by Group
## W = 298, p-value = 0.007331
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

2.2 Graphical output

For relatively small samples (for example, less than 30 observations per group), it is a standard practice to show the actual data in dot plots with error bars. The pubh package offers two options to show graphically differences in continuous outcomes among groups:

For our current example:

Hodgkin |>
  strip_error(Ratio ~ Group)

The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals around mean values.

Adding a line on top is relatively easy to show that the two groups are significantly different. The function gf_star needs the reference point on how to draw an horizontal line to display statistical differences or to annotate a plot; in summary, gf_star:


\[ y1 < y2 < y3 \]

In our current example:

Hodgkin |>
  strip_error(Ratio ~ Group) |>
  gf_star(x1 = 1, y1 = 4, x2 = 2, y2 = 4.05, y3 = 4.1, "**")

For larger samples we could use bar charts with error bars. For example:

data(birthwt, package = "MASS")
birthwt <- birthwt |>
    smoke = factor(smoke, labels = c("Non-smoker", "Smoker")),
    Race = factor(race > 1, labels = c("White", "Non-white")),
    race = factor(race, labels = c("White", "Afican American", "Other"))
    ) |>
    bwt = 'Birth weight (g)',
    smoke = 'Smoking status',
    race = 'Race',
birthwt |>
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke)

Quick normality check:

birthwt |>
  qq_plot(~ bwt|smoke)

The (unadjusted) \(t\)-test:

birthwt |> 
  t_test(bwt ~ smoke, detailed = TRUE) |>
##   estimate estimate1 estimate2 .y.     group1 group2  n1 n2 statistic     p
## 1 283.7767  3055.696  2771.919 bwt Non-smoker Smoker 115 74  2.729886 0.007
##         df conf.low conf.high method alternative
## 1 170.1002 78.57486  488.9786 T-test   two.sided

The final plot with annotation to highlight statistical difference (unadjusted):

birthwt |>
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke) |>
  gf_star(x1 = 1, x2 = 2, y1 = 3400, y2 = 3500, y3 = 3550, "**")

Both strip_error and bar_error can generate plots stratified by a third variable, for example:

birthwt |>
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke, fill = ~ Race) 

birthwt |>
  bar_error(bwt ~ smoke|Race)

birthwt |>
  strip_error(bwt ~ smoke, pch = ~ Race, col = ~ Race)

3 Regression models

The pubh package includes the function cosm_reg, which adds some cosmetics to objects generated by tbl_regression and huxtable. The function multiple helps analyse and visualise multiple comparisons.

For simplicity, here we show the analysis of the linear model of smoking on birth weight, adjusting by race (and not by other potential confounders).

model_bwt <- lm(bwt ~ smoke + race, data = birthwt)
model_bwt |>
  glm_coef(labels = model_labels(model_bwt))
##                Parameter                Coefficient Pr(>|t|)
## 1               Constant 3334.95 (3153.89, 3516.01)  < 0.001
## 2 Smoking status: Smoker  -428.73 (-643.86, -213.6)  < 0.001
## 3  Race: Afican American -450.36 (-752.45, -148.27)    0.004
## 4            Race: Other -452.88 (-682.67, -223.08)  < 0.001

In the last table of coefficients, confidence intervals and p-values for race levels are not adjusted for multiple comparisons. We can use functions from the emmeans package to make the corrections.

multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$df
##                  contrast estimate     SE t.ratio p.value lower.CL upper.CL
## 1 Afican American - White  -450.36 153.12   -2.94    0.01  -810.85   -89.87
## 2           Other - White  -452.88 116.48   -3.89 < 0.001  -727.10  -178.66
## 3 Other - Afican American    -2.52 160.59   -0.02       1  -380.60   375.57
multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$fig_ci |>
  gf_labs(x = "Difference in birth weights (g)")

multiple(model_bwt, ~ race)$fig_pval |>
  gf_labs(y = " ")