Quick calls to obtain various country info for use
in writing R markdown and developing robust applications
Please NOTE that currently the 'timeIn' call may not
provide 100% accurate result for time in particular places.
This aspect is being worked on for the next version, so don't fret !
#load package
#get countries
#get countries in uppercase
data(country_calling_code) # calling code for countries
data(country_population) # population by year for countries
data(city_time) # time by city
data(country_names) # country names
data(country_money) # countries currency
data(country_language) # country language
data(country_capital) #country capitals
data(country_continent)# continent countries
#get capital of a country
capitalOf$nigeria #for nigeria
capitalOf$china #for china
capitalOf[c("slovenia","romania","malaysia")] #get multiple capitals
#get offical languages of a country
languageOf$romania #for romania
languageOf$mexico #for mexico
languageOf[c("egypt","united kingdom","taiwan")] #get multiple languages
#get population count of country
populationOf$india #for india
populationOf$brazil #for brazil
populationOf[c("slovenia","ghana","nigeria")] #get multiple countries
#get the current time in a place
grep("usa,",names(timeIn), value = T) #get the available USA regions
timeIn$`usa, california, oakland` #get the current time in Oakland, California
grep("nigeria,",names(timeIn), value = T) #get the available Nigeria regions
timeIn$`nigeria, lagos, lagos` #get the current time in Lagos, Nigeria
# And others...
🔴 For complete list, go to official website above