The reporter package supports five types of output:
TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, and DOCX. The package produces TXT reports by
default. If you want to produce RTF, PDF, HTML, or DOCX output, simply
change the output type. Below is a portion of the Iris data listing from
above, but the output_type
is now set to DOCX.
# Create temporary path
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "example9.docx")
# Read in prepared data
df <- iris[1:25, ]
# Create table
tbl <- create_table(df, borders = "bottom")
# Create report and add content
rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "DOCX", orientation = "portrait",
font = "Times", font_size = 12) %>%
set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>%
page_header(left = "Client: 1-800-FLOWERS", right = "Study: Iris") %>%
titles("Listing 1.0", "Iris Data Listing") %>%
add_content(tbl) %>%
footnotes("* Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 1935") %>%
page_footer(left = Sys.time(),
center = "Confidential",
right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")
# Write out report
# View report