In this version functions and some arguments were renamed so as to provide a more accurate terminology. There were also some minor changes in the documentation.
HDR renamed to HSD (Honeycomb Selection Design)
HDNR0 renamed to HSD0 (Honeycomb Selection Design 0 control plants)
HDNR1 renamed to HSD1 (Honeycomb Selection Design 1 control plants)
HDNR3 renamed to HSD3 (Honeycomb Selection Design 3 control plants)
R_gen renamed to E_gen (Entry generate)
R renamed to E (Entry)
Round the numbers appearing in data frames generated by the analysis function to 4 digits
Mean renamed to E_Mean
sd renamed to E_sd
HI renamed to E_HI
PYI and mPYI renamed to PYE and mPYE respectively
Grand mean of the plot added in the return list
An extra data frame containing the Grand Mean, the Coefficient of Variation and the Standard Deviation of the trial (applying in the analysis of the the types of designs).
An extra data frame containing the number of plants, the mean,the Coefficient of Variance and the standard deviation for the HSD00, HSD01, HSD03 selection designs. Those quantities refer to the Controls and the rest plants as a whole.
When there is NA in the data the CV, Mean and sd are no longer NA.
CV show as % percentage.
Added the ring size and the number of plants used for CRS estimation
CRS is not displayed if a number is not provided