- fixed bugs in mbackcrit function
- S3 method avaliable for vcov function for object in the class
- fixed bugs in mbacksign function
- default values for nu in estimate.MSCN2 and estimate.MSCEC functions
were changed by 0.5.
- fixed bugs in choose.MSMSN and MSMSNC functions
- fixed bugs in mbackcrit and mbacksign functions
- added function solve2
- all matrix inversions are performed with solve2
- option to maintain fixed nu in the following functions:
estimate.MSTT, estimate.MSSL2, estimate.MSCN2, estimate.MSTEC,
estimate.MSSLEC and estimate.MSCEC.
- added function distMahal
- fixed bugs in mbacksign
- functions mbacksign and mbackcrit require intercept terms in the
covariates matrix
- fixed bugs for the univariate case in all the functions
- functions of the form estimate.xxx, choose.xxx, choose2, mbackcrit,
mbacksign and distMahal produce object of the class “skewMLRM”. Those
functions also provide new elements in the returned list such as “dist”,
“class”, “y”, “X” and “fitted classes”.
- S3 method avaliable for summary, print and plot functions for object
in the class “skewMLRM”
- functions se.est and plotMahal were deprecated